Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Christmas 2013!

We wrapped up our first southern Christmas last night….and all in all, it was great! It's gonna take some getting used to not celebrating with ALL of our family :( , but I suppose we will have to carry on with our own traditions.

The three amigos on Christmas Eve.

Leesy did great singing with the kids' choir at our Christmas Eve service. We may have bribed her with a milk shake…but hey, who's judging?! :)

My pretty girl.

I snagged this Barbie Jeep off of Craigslist for $40! They love, love, love it! Best deal ever!

Mimi playing "stinky feet" with Jonah. He woke up grumpy on Christmas morning, so Mimi was trying to pull him out of his funk. It didn't work. He was up at 7 am and back to bed by 8:30 am!

Jonah's new basketball hoop from his Auntie Anna and Uncle Kevin

My Aunt and Uncle bought Jonah this camo Duck Dynasty quad…so funny!  He doesn't quite know how to make it go yet, but he'll get there.

Oh how my free-spirited Callahan makes me chuckle! Anneliese is a " two hands on the steering wheel" kinda gal…Callie, not so much. 

Jesus' birthday cake…..German chocolate of course! Jonah dug right in.