Sunday, July 10, 2011

A few quick 4th of July snapshots!

Here is our attempt at taking some family pictures on the 4th of July. I swear, the more children we have, and the older they get....we can't get a decent picture if our lives depended on it! :)  Oh well, such is life!

I LOVE Anneliese's facial expression in this shot...she was laughing SO hard.

The days when we could sit around and savor a lollipop....oh to be one again!

Auntie 'Chelle is here!

Rachelle and her family are here visiting from South Carolina! It has been so nice letting our kids play together and develop relationships. I sure will miss them when they leave next week :(

Anneliese~4 years, Callahan~1 year, Julianna~2 years, Elijah~6 years

And baby Addalyn~3 months!

Elijah and Leesy Bug making a home for their tiny crab pets.

"Grandpa Hennigan" (aka Rachelle's Dad) enjoys taking all the kids out on the Puget Sound to catch crabs. This crabby was one of their catches that day.

Obviously not my best pic...but I had to throw one in there of the two of us! :)

Callie Girl and the Daddy

Fountain Park~ Downtown Bremerton

I took the kids, including Cousin Braydyn, to the beautiful fountain park in downtown Bremerton last week. A few of my friends and their wee ones joined us....we had a really good time!

Braydyn was brave enough to stand underneath the fountain spray.

Miss Priss prancing around :)